Getting through Life’s Tight Spots-Mindfulness for Emotional Balancing
with Anna Doherty

January 14 (Sunday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Getting Through Life's Tight Spots. (Mindfulness for Emotional Balancing)

This is a 4 session course for  Wednesday July 18th & 25th,2018 and on Wendnesday August 1st & 8th,2018 6:30pm-8:30pm. 
The 4-week course is for $100 (Paid directly to the instructor.)  HHMC members get 5% off every workshop at the center.

Participants in this program have the opportunity to:
o Learn or deepen a personal mindfulness meditation practice
o Explore emotions such as fear, anger, and forgiveness
o Use mindfulness-based strategies to cope with stress and emotional reactivity
o Cultivate kindness, forgiveness, and compassion for ourselves and others

Workshop Leader:
Ann(a) B. Doherty, RN, MSN, CDE, has been coordinating lifestyle modification programs since 1985 while working as a research nurse at the Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program and with the Preventive Medicine Research Institute with Dr. Dean Ornish. She is passionate about helping people live their best life in optimal health. She has advanced nursing degrees from the University of Virginia and UC Davis. She has completed professional training through the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Integrative Health Symposium and has mindfulness and meditation training at the Insight Meditation Center and the University of California, San Diego, Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute. Ann presented her thesis work at the 2015 Mindfulness & Compassion Conference in SF and is a National & International speaker at annual Holistic Health Retreats in Hawaii & Italy.
 For more information call: Anna Doherty at 510-326-6474


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